Birth Bliss

Running has never been something that I enjoyed. I was always encouraged to ‘push’ past all the not-so-wonderful feelings happening in my body to await the arrival of endorphins. Apparently, there was this ‘runner’s high’ waiting for me on the other end of my pain. It just felt like I could never get there. My legs would be on fire and my lungs too. It always seemed like the destination or finish line was so far away. Somewhere around 2009 or 2010 I was encouraged by a trainer to start running. I’m sure there was a plethora of eye-rolling and internal tantrums (y’all the way I throw myself on the ground sometimes in my mind—it’s a lot). I’m not fully able to hide some of my feelings due to my facial expressions and I’m sure the trainer knew that I was more than NOT pleased to go running. They, in turn, offered to run with me. This was a game changer!

Note: life is not meant to be done alone-sometimes we just need a little help or accountability. 

At any rate, the more I practiced and could go longer amounts of time running, the more I began to feel elevated, happy, and dare I say GREAT about running (when it was finished of course). I had finally felt the runner’s high-something I truly believed only existed in an imaginary land far away. There was one race that I participated in and felt so great afterward that I went to the gym and worked out once it was over. Who does that? Well, apparently folks who experience a runner’s high. 

By now I’m sure you’re wondering what this has to do with ‘birth bliss’. If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll find out the correlation. If not, I encourage you to click the link below to subscribe. See you in your inbox!


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